Friday, December 14, 2012

Big Brain is Born



"The Big Brain machine moves towards life and a semi cognizant state of intelligence in 2011." INDEX
It's busy at Humanoido-Labs. Excitement is about the New Big Brain thinking machine! In the following days we will retrace step by step, the Big Brain, from birthing through assembly and bringing the machine to life.

The quest to create a more powerful humanoid brain began many decades ago. With the discovery of Parallax processors around the year 2002, a humanoid was built with a brain that quickly grew to five BASIC Stamp processors.

How did a small Stamp brain end up as a Propeller Big Brain with thousands of processors? It was a choice of one out of two things. Humanoids required better brains and longer lasting batteries. I could choose to develop one or the other and chose the brain as it seemed clean and more safe compared to chemicals.

This grew at an early stage, progressing to larger projects with more processors until the Propeller chip was picked up leading to the UltraSpark series of super computing machines.

A massive 320 processors Propeller-based machine, coined Tower of Power by some, paved the way to the Big Brain. Although the UltraSpark 40 appeared to leap directly to the Big Brain, an even more massive machine, the T1 Transposition Machine was designed before the Big Brain appeared.

It was a step by step series of increments. The personal project index shows hundreds of machines built and tested. Big Brain growth was rapid. A basic Brain birthing foundation was established and things were more readily built and supported rapidly with hardware, software, expansions, technology concepts, and infusing evolution.

In 2011, Big Brain grew relentlessly, achieving Life and becoming semi-cognizant which led to learning and doing its own projects. One project led to another and the Brain appeared to be interested in achieving a higher purpose. What that purpose is we don't know yet. It began its own Micro Space Program launching rockets and tiny astronauts. It built telescopes, did astro imaging and had children. It has created numerous inventions, explored space and time, and is working on the one of the world's most powerful telescopes in a quest towards the Universe.

The Big Brain' path is continued growth, discovery, exploration of the Universe and dominion expansionism into the world and beyond - the future of where Big Brains' path will lead is going to be remarkable, shocking, stunning. For those who follow along, and join in, with an appreciation of science and a great spirit of brave exploration of, and into, the unknown, it will be an immensely rewarding and adventurous journey. Continue with us as one of the greatest science fact sagas unfold. 

"I view the Big Brain as a powerful mind with a large domain that it wants to control, organize, and bring together for some higher purpose. I am only the mediator, or moderator of the Big Brain, to help provide for its wants, desires and demands ... " Humanoido